This say the first impressions of Sonic The Hedgehog 2

In spite of everything, Sonic the Hedgehog did not turn out to be as bad as many surely anticipated. The arrival of the popular blue hedgehog to live-action could be better, yes, and it seems that his sequel finally gave us the adventure that we had been waiting for so many years. Unfortunately, it seems that it was not like that.

The above we say it because the first impressions of sonic the hedgehog 2 are already here and the truth do not paint a very good idea about this movie. Currently, this sequel has a rating of 53 in metacritic with a total of eight criticisms.

Sonic The Hedgehog 2 First Reactions Are Fantastic

Apparently, this sequel does not take any kind of risk at all and many of the additional characters feel missed. Those who enjoyed the original feature film could come out of cinema, but who do not expect this new adaptation to change their mind.

_ Sonic The Hedgehog 2 _ It reaches cinemas the next April 2 and for me, you can enjoy your latest video advancement.

Editor's note : I do not know what kind of expectations people had with this movie, but I do not feel that Sonic The Hedgehog 2 could have done many things to improve. At the end of the day we have another moderately fun movie that will serve to have a good time in the cinema room.
