PS5: Sony forces next faceplate

The responsible persons of Sony have threatened the next manufacturer of PS5-Faceplates with legal consequences if the shop is not closed immediately. This time it is Dbrand, who have already sold black faceplates for the console since the beginning of the year. In the RedDit Forum, Dbrand has shared excerpts of the omission action. Curiously demanded the manufacturer with the words Los, sues us! On the website since Launch the team from Sony to a lawsuit. They have now got them.

According to the lawyers, Dbrand is to use the famous PlayStation icons on the PS5 Faceplates. The original can be found on the inside of the console tiny small squares, triangles, circles and crosses - Dbrand has created its own version of these symbols, but continues to be based on the original. A picture has also shared the manufacturer in the RedDit Forum. For the moment, Dbrand agrees from Sony s omission. However, the company does not seem to agree with the statement of justification of the PS5 makers.

Dbrand believes that Sony will soon offer Faceplates for the console and now wants to take some competitors from the market in advance. In fact, simply remove the two plates of the PS5 (Buy Now) and replace new faceplates against potentially new faceplates. Almost a year ago, Sony has sent a cease and desist to another manufacturer. These were Customize My Plates , which, however, started the sale at the beginning of the year.

Where can you currently buy a PlayStation 5? The situation regarding PlayStation-5 offer has still not become better. Regularly, however, there are PS5 availabilities at Amazon who surprise every now and then with PS5 drops.

Check PS5 availability at Amazon

Source: reddit via the verge

From Dominik Zwingmann author 18.10.2021 at 14:29
