Back 4 Blood Private Lobby & Crossplay Guide

Make a private lobby in atras 4 blood is not something obvious that it can be done, although it is relatively easy. Playing with friends or just avoid playing with Randoms is the main use of a private lobby.

atras 4 blood Private lobby: How to enable it

When you are going to create a campaign execution, individual execution or swarm execution, there will be a preference option in the main menu (tab). There will be an option at the top for the lobby of private campaigns. Turn it on.

It is important to keep in mind that it will restart if it is not in a lobby with people, so keep in mind that if you try to do a private lobby, there is a chance that there is randoms in your lobby. Check this setting each time you plan to play with friends!

How to enable atras 4 blood Cross game

To enable crossed game in atras 4 blood , it will also be in the preferences menu at the bottom. If you have friends on alternative platforms, you want to make sure this is also about . The game crossed with friends is simple; You just have to add your username into the game, and you should find them, since the B4B user names are unique. If you are playing with someone who is on Xbox, you may have to add your gamertag with the number at the end, so be sure to ask that! If it does not work, make your friend add you in exchange, and it should work that way. It is important to keep in mind that if you have progressed a lot with your friends in your campaign, progress will be saved. However, if you go to your session, you will be in the position where you are, which could be act 1 or act 3 as an example. It depends on how far they have played.

This is how you enable the cross game and you make a private lobby in atras 4 blood . Happy killing of zombies!
