Hustain New Competition Mode 'Yongbok', 1 day,

The new news, which is to be added to the Hasstone, and the new news on the new competitive game mode, will be released on September 1, which will be released on September 1, which will be released.

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The drinking showcase begins at 1 pm on September 1. Has Stone Game Director Benry, Game Designer Joe Kilign, and UI Designer Hashiba Advisor, and UI Designer Hashiba Acharde, etc., introduce new gameplay to be presented directly through the use of Yongbok, and discloses various contents. In this showcase, the official release date of the mercenarity will be announced.

Has Stone Korean Formula YouTube Channel and Hasstone Official Twitch Channel R for our country fans, , Flame, such as popular Hasstone streams, watching this showcase together and conduct live broadcasts. Also, after the end of the official showcase, the torque show time to divide the deep conversation and analysis of the dragon with these streaks along with these streamers.

In the showcase broadcast time, the twitch compensation progresses, and the Hustor broadcast on the twitch is watched for a certain period of time, and you can receive up to two Stormless card packs, the latest expansion packs, the latest expansion pack. More information on this showcase and more details on twitch compensation can be found in the Hasstone Official Blog Post.

The Hasston Yongbok, which introduces a strategy RPG game play and a new challenge, which is a new challenge, which shows a completely new play method that popular heroes and villains emerge. The player packs a team consisting of mercenaries, and fiercely fighting in a fast-proceeding battle system. Mercenaries continue to confront, experience experience, equipment, and new abilities, and can also see more powerful evolution.
