Chasing Static: Realms Deep 2021

Chasing Static, the Psychological Retro Horror Game of Developer HeadWare Games and Publisher Ratalaika Games S.L., brings a spooky presence to Realms Deep 2021 with the premiere of a new trailer.


  • Explore the dark forests, dilapidated ruins and incredibly government research facilities that are hidden in the forests of rural north wales.
  • Experience the high-fidelity audio quality and voice output of a modern horror title, but in a graphic style reminiscent of the days of the Old-School Horror classic for PlayStation 1 and 2.
  • Control a strange, static charged device that receives the conversations of lost souls to solve tricky puzzles.
  • Add a multi-generation conspiracy together, in the family, spooky terror and secrets that the government never wanted to reveal are interwoven.

Chasing Static - Realms Deep 2021

Chasing Static is expected to be published in the third quarter 2021 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X / S, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.
